New to this? No worries, here's a quick run-down so you know what to expect. In order to get the best glow possible, follow these instructions pre and post spray tan. This is important for the application and longevity of your tan.
Be sure to check out our spray tan process and FAQ page.
Be sure to check out our spray tan process and FAQ page.
PREP FOR YOUR TAN Exfoliate and moisturize 24 hours before your tan, paying particular attention to elbows, knees, ankles and problem areas. Wax or shave at least 48 hours prior to your tan.
Avoid using bar soaps, high pH shower products (ex: dove, bath and body works), or in shower moisturizers for the entire 24 hours before your treatment. Mani/pedis, facials, massages, and other beauty services should take place at least 24 hours prior to your tan. Be sure there is no product or residue left behind. Do not apply moisturizer, perfume, deodorant or makeup on the day of application. Product left on the skin will create a barrier and can prevent the spray tan solution from developing evenly. |
CARE FOR YOUR TANImmediately After
Wear dark loose clothing. Tight clothing or underwear may cause marks. Wear shoes that slide on or are loose fitting. Try not to touch your skin and avoid skin to skin contact. Avoid sweating and getting wet. When it's your designated rinse time, shower in plain, lukewarm water. Do not use body wash, soaps, or hot water. This rinse should only take 45 seconds to a minute, as you're only rinsing the bronzer off. Caring For Your Tan Regular showers can resume 24 hours post spray tan. When showering, keep your water temperature down, use spray tan safe body wash, and avoid exfoliating. Press lightly while shaving and pat yourself dry with a towel. Moisturize at least once daily. For best results, use a tan extend lotion to prolong the life of your spray tan. |
- Schedule your spray tan two days prior to an event for best color
- Keep in mind, after you've been spray tanned, any exfoliation is going to shorten the life of your tan. This means avoid AHAs, BHAs, salicylic acid, retinoids, and of course physical exfoliation. Shaving is also a form of exfoliation so keep it to a minimum and don't press to hard.
- Keep your showers short and not too hot. Use a mild body wash and wash gently. After you shower, pat yourself dry rather than rubbing your body with your towel. Moisture is key. Moisturize while still damp, using a lotion with no harsh chemicals or fragrances.
- Don't forget your SPF!! Remember you will burn just as easily as you did before your spray tan. Not only do we want to avoid the sun damage, a sunburned peeling off spray tan doesn't sound fun either. Swimming in the ocean and pool is fine (after the directed time, of course) but be sure to moisturize after as chlorine can be very drying. You should avoid hot tubs.